Apr 1, 2008

call for proposals-

Earth Matters On Stage ~
Ecodrama Playwrights Festival & Symposium
May 21~ 31, 2009 ~ University of Oregon

Call for Symposium Papers and Proposals

"Ecological victory will require a transvaluation so profound as to be
nearly unimaginable at present. And in this the arts and humanities –
including the theater – must play a role."
Una Chaudhuri

Indeed ecology is at the heart of burgeoning creativity and
interdisciplinary scholarship across the arts and humanities. This
Symposium, together with the concurrent Ecodrama Festival, invites
artists, scholars and activists to share their work, ideas, and
passions with one another and with the larger community who attend the

We welcome creative and innovative proposals for workshops,
round-tables, panels, working sessions, installations, or
participatory community gatherings that explore, examine, challenge,
articulate, or nourish the possibilities of theatre's response to the
environmental crisis in particular, and our ecological situatedness in

The format is wide-open and we will schedule and shape the Symposium
around the types of proposals received and selected. We encourage
proposals that go beyond a recitation of ideas or positions, and
instead bring presenters and participants together as they engage the
driving question of how theatre has or might function as part of our
multiple reciprocal relationships within ecological communities.

Some possible topics for exploration include: land and body in
performance; representation of/and environmental justice; green
theatre production; old cultural narratives/new stories; indigenous
performance; community-based performance/ecological communities;
sensing place/staging place; devising from ecology; the ecologies of
theatrical form and/or space; animal representation; and application
of ecocriticism to plays and performance.

Please send by email or snail mail, a one-page proposal and/or
abstract by January 1, 2009 to:
Earth Matters ~ Ecodrama Symposium 2009
Theresa May, Director
Theater Arts, VIL 216, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403

Please include:
Type of session & title;
Your preferred type of space (classroom, theatre, studio, or outdoors);
Time-length (60 min; 90 min; 2+ hours; half-day);
Ideal or maximum number of participants;
Short bio/s.

We encourage proposals that include more than one presenter; however,
single person proposals are accepted and will be combined with others
as themes and formats allow.

Our website will be up soon! We look forward to your Proposal! Questions

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